Dear readers, fans, friends, and our mothers,

The Animal Review book is soon upon us. Featuring some of your favorite posts from this blog (updated) and new reviews of many surprise animals, The Animal Review: The Genius, Mediocrity, and Breathtaking Stupidity That Is Nature is, as far as we can tell, really a beautiful book, full of full-color photographs and new features galore. We also hope it’s funny. We spent so much time on it that we can’t really tell anymore.

If you’re so inclined, it can be ordered now at Borders, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target, or an independent bookstore.

It makes a great gift, even for kids (there’s nothing in it you wouldn’t want them to see), as well as a great way to sound smart and well-informed at any public gathering.

Many thanks to all the readers of this blog for their support and to the people at Bloomsbury USA for theirs.

Kindly yours,

Jacob Lentz & Steve Nash

6 responses to “THE ANIMAL REVIEW BOOK IS HERE* (*pretty soon)

  1. Again, King Cobra approves

  2. I hope I’ll be able to get my own copy, if the shipping rates will not strangle me (I’m Italian).
    Much of love! I hope the book will be a success! ❤

  3. Bob, they wouldn’t publish it if King Cobra DIDN’T approve.

  4. A blog that mocks nature books is finally going to be read as a nature book. It’s the circle of (ironic) life. Can’t wait!

  5. editorempress

    The book is fantastic, guys! I’m telling everyone I know, so I hope that helps. Though I’m also lending them the book. Damn me and my recycling fetish!

  6. Five Enthusiastic Stars for this wonderful, funny and exceptionally well written blog.

    A pleasure to have found it.

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